As of the 27th February 2023 any breakfast and after school club bookings made 10 days or less before the date required will be charged at a different rate to a normal breakfast or after school club session. Sessions that are booked late with 10 or less days before the date required will be £1 more. 

Breakfast Club Walking Schools

£ 7
  • £8 if late booking (booked 10 days or less to date required)
  • Includes: Breakfast
  • Schools Covered: Kilburn Nursery, Kilburn infants and juniors, Lawn, William Gilbert, Woodlands

Breakfast Club Minibus Schools / Nurseries

£ 9
  • £9.50 if late booking (booked 10 days or less to date required)
  • Includes: Breakfast
  • Schools Covered: Ashgate Nursery, Ashgate, Beckett Primary, Brookfield Juniors, Busy Bees Pre-School, Carlton Nursery, Central Nursery, Curzon, Emmanuel, Horsley Church of England, Horsley Woodhouse, Horsely Woodhouse Preschool, John Flamstead, Kingfisher nursery, Markeaton, Meadows Primary, Old Vic, Portway, Quardon Pre-School, St Edmunds Nursery, St Benedict's, Saint Marys, Walter Evans, William Gilbert, Whitecross Nursery, Wren Primary School.

After School Club Walking Schools

£ 11
  • £12 if late booking (booked 10 days or less to date required)
  • Includes: Light Tea
  • Schools Covered: Brookfield Primary, Kilburn Nursery, Kilburn infants and juniors, Lawn, Mickleover Primary, William Gilbert, Woodlands

After School / Nursery Club - Minibus

£ 13
  • £13.50 if late booking (booked 10 days or less to date required)
  • Includes: Light Tea
  • Schools Covered: Ashagte Nursery, Ashgate, Beckett Primary, Busy Bees Pre-School, Brookfield Infants, Brookfield Juniors, Carlton Nursery, Central Nursery, Curzon, Denby, Emmanuel, Old Vic, Horsley Church of England, Horsley Woodhouse, Horsely Woodhouse Preschool, John Flamstead, Kingfisher nursery, Markeaton, Meadows Primary, Quarndon Pre-School, Portway, St Edmunds Nursery, St Benedict's, Saint Marys, Whitecross Nursery, Walter Evans, William Gilbert, Wren Primary School.

Please Note: We can cater for later collections due to after school clubs.

Ways To Pay

Bank Account Details:

Allestree & Mickleover Setting

Account Name: Schools Out Club Derby Ltd

Account Number: 42338622

Sort Code: 09-06-66

Kilburn Setting

Account Name: Schools Out Club Derby Ltd

Account Number: 43560296

Sort Code: 09-06-66

If you would like to pay by BACs you must:

Email us with the following: The date and amount transferred and the name of the child/children paid for.

When making the transaction please make sure that it has a reference on with your child’s name.

Please add your child’s name as a reference when transferring your vouchers. These are the current companies we are registered with but if you use a different childcare voucher operator then we are more than willing to register with them just contact us. If your child is attending the Holiday Club then please use the Allestree reference Nos.

All Save

Apple Childcare Voucher
Tel: 0845 6029459

Busy Bees Benefits

Care-4 Vouchers
Tel: 0870 870 4114
Allestree Breakfast & After School Club 67811442
Holiday Club 61099311
Kilburn 50754308

Childcare Plus

Choose You At Work

Computershare Vouchers
Tel 08000 430 860
Allestree Reference No- 0007791167
Kilburn Reference No- 0008308552
Mickleover Reference No- 0026892764  

Co-op Childcare Vouchers
Tel: 0800 458 7929
Allestree Reference No- 85010803
Kilburn Reference No- 85014066

Ednered/Accor Childcare Vouchers
Tel: 0800 247 1233
Allestree Reference No- P518579
Kilburn Reference No- P20419187

Employers for Childcare Vouchers Ltd

Enjoy Benefits

Fair Care
Tel: 0800 652 4745

Fideliti Childcare Vouchers

Kiddi Vouchers

Tel: 0845 365 2999
Allestree Reference No- 00402932
Kilburn Reference No- 00402931

Leapfrog/Computershare Vouchers
Tel: 0800 783 7624

RG Childcare 

Salary Exchange

Sodexho Childcare Vouchers
Allestree Reference No- 162062

We have visa machines in all our settings. You can also pay over the phone by calling 07984908836

You may be able to get upto 30 hours of free childcare (1,140 hours per year) if your child is aged 3-4yrs old. 

If you would like to use any of your 30 hours of free childcare please contact us by emailing

or if you would like more information on how to apply through the government portal CLICK HERE.

Payment Form

Enter the payment details and submit

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